Friday, January 21, 2011

Introductory Notes

Hi there and welcome to Beer Local.

This is one man's attempt to review and recount his journey through the wonderful world of beer. What gives me the right to review beer, you ask? Not much. I don't work in the industry. I don't have any relevant degrees (though lots of irrelevant ones). I'm just a guy who likes beer, who likes trying new things,  who likes learning from others, and who's willing to share.

Why "Beer Local?"Because I'm more and more convinced that drinking beer that's locally produced is a good thing. So I'll try to focus on beers that are locally produced. But frankly, I'll review other stuff too.

Where's local? I live in the Chicago area and travel through the Midwest mostly. So that's the local stuff you'll find. Please comment and let me know what you think of the beers I've reviewed and suggest others that you think I'd like.

Thanks for checking in.